Product Disclaimer

Assumption of the Risk

By buying Titan Goods' products, you understand and agree that Kung Fu and martial arts are high-risk activities and, to the extent permitted by law, you expressly and voluntarily assume the risk of death or other personal injury sustained while participating in such activities, whether or not caused by the negligence or other fault of Titan Goods. This includes but is not limited to equipment malfunction from whatever cause or any other fault of Titan Goods. Additionally, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold Titan Goods harmless from any third-party claims arising from such high-risk activities, martial arts weapons, or any other Titan Goods product.


Purchasers, users, and participants assume all risk of injury. Titan Goods cannot and will not be responsible for the misuse or unauthorized and improper use of products sold through this website, Titan Goods' catalog, or otherwise.


Use of Martial Arts Equipment

The equipment sold by Titan Goods offers varying degrees of protection but is not warranted to protect the user from injury. Users are responsible for their choice in the level of protection afforded by the products purchased. Users of these products are subject to bodily injuries including death despite using the equipment. The user must assume full responsibility for all risk of injuries. The manufacturer and distributor assume no liability for injuries or death suffered while wearing protective products.


Read and follow specific warnings and instructions on products and in product literature or inserts. Save these documents for reference.


Always inspect all sparring, weapons, equipment, and any protective gear before use. You may need to replace these products over time due to wear.


Do not use old, damaged, or modified gear.


Use of products MUST be under the supervision of a skilled instructor who responsibly monitors techniques and intensity of training to assure that students are properly trained and physically conditioned. Minors using these products should have constant, qualified, adult supervision.


Martial Arts Weapons: Warning

Any martial art weapons sold by Titan Goods are intended for demonstration or display as a collection item only. Use and misuse of martial arts weapons involves serious risks, including injury, disability, and death. Weapons are sold only for training under expert supervision, for demonstration of forms, collection, or display. Inspect weapons before each use to ensure they are in proper condition. If any unsafe condition is observed, do not use the product. Do not use weapons for sparring or contact.


Sales of certain items are governed by local, state, federal, and international law. It is the buyer's responsibility to check all applicable laws concerning the use, ownership, legal age, and possession of any product offered by Titan Goods. By purchasing any item, the buyer warrants compliance with all local, state, federal, and international laws, and that the buyer is legally able to purchase and sell all items being purchased from Titan Goods' website or catalog.


Titan Goods disclaims any and all liability related to improper, illegal, unintended use, or modification of weapons sold through the website or catalog.


The purchaser, user, or participant assumes all risk of injury from any use. No weapons are sold to anyone under 18 years of age without parental consent. Some weapons may be prohibited in your area. Please check state statutes and local ordinances before ordering.